Getting more information about a table. This stored procedure returns the table's columns, primary key, foregin keys, contrstraints, which tables reference this one, and more.
Getting the SQL for a view (or a trigger or stored procedure). Here is another stored procedure that fetches the create statement for various objects.
Getting the triggers on a table. If you ever need to know what triggers are executing on a table this one is very helpful, especially when also used with the query to get the SQL for a trigger above.
Getting the triggers on a table II. Here is another way to get the triggers which seems to work better.
Getting a table's columns. While this does basically repeat the functionality of the first query, it does introduce INFORMATION_SCHEMA, which contains lots of information about your schema in general.
Getting a table's indexes
And also while I'm listing some useful things for SQL Server, here are a couple links for some useful sql formatters.
- Instant SQL Formatter is the one I use the most
- TSQL Code Formatter is also pretty handy, although the query needs to compile for it to format it (so no parameters)
And here some more more useful SQL Server tools from SO.
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