Learn more about Kaizen here:
Watch the presentation here:
- Small and continuous improvement
- Quick win
- Accept Failures
- Improve Quality
- Empower people
- Develop People
- Shared long term purpose
- Reduce waste
- Visualize problems
- Stop and fixing
Resistance to change
- Use small changes
- Influencing people over time
- Celebrate wins
- Sense of urgency
Plan - Do - Check - Act
- Create a feedback loop
- Plan
- Clarify the problem
- Break it down
- Set the target to achieve
- Analyze root causes & get metrics
- Develop countermeasures
- Do
- See countermeasures through
- Check
- Check process and result
- Act/Adapt
- Standardize success
Why Kaizen Succeeds?
- Establish a sense of urgency
- Create a vision
- Empower others to act on the vision
- Plan for and create short-term wins
- Consolidate improvements
- Embrace changes and new approaches
Kaizen Event
- Improve producitivy
- Cross functional team
- Provide immediate value
- Duration between 3-5 days
- Pre Kaizen
- ID the problem and collect metrics
- Day 1-2
- document current state of the problem
- Day 2-3
- Root cause analysis and set goals to achieve
- Day 3-5
- Improve process
- Post Kaizen
- Analyze every month if the improvement benefits
- Pre Kaizen
- Daily Kaizen
- Focus in short term goals and quick win
- Individual or small teams
- hour/daily review cycle
- reinforces the learning and development through practice of problem solving
- create new standards improving people and the organization
- reduce waste and learning by doing
Top 10 reasons why Kaizen fails
- Absence of real culture - "this is the way we've always don it"
- Politics and blame games
- Fear culture - resistance to change
- No follow up after a kaizen event
- No sense of ownership/empowerment
- Short term vision - No sense of urgency
- Failure to identify problems - no problem is a problem
- Failure to see root causes
- Failure to plan and execute
- Lack of resources - time, knowledge
Small changes to start
- Coach people
- Empower people
- Boost the team morale
- Lead by example
- Improve your standards
- Visualize your flow and identify the problems
- Always start from 1 or 2 teams
- Celebrate success
- Use metrics to identify improvements
- Accept failure and learn from it
- Agile Kaizen by Angel Mednilla
- ISBN 978-3-642-54991-5
- The Spirit of Kaizen by Robert Maurer
- ISBN 978-0071796170
- Creating a Kaizen Culture by Jon Miller, et al
- ISBN 978-0071826853
Yeah dear Brett Child , the basic mean of Kaizen is really what you said on the top.. overall nice blog, I am looking your daily effort dear and I really appreciate you for this , thanks for posting that.